The Impact of Nursery Staff’s Knowledge on Skin- to- Skin Mother-Infant Contact (SSC)
By Lui Wing Lam, Zoie, RN, RM, IBCLC, BSc(Nursing), MSc(Nursing), Department of Obstetrics
- A mother’s body is the natural and healthy environment for the baby
- Skin- to-skin and eye contact between the mother and the baby facilitates the development of pleasure-related brain pathways
- Unfortunately, twentieth century high technology practice has led to separation of mother and child being accepted as necessary and normal when in fact separation is abnormal and harmful
Skin-to-Skin Contact (SSC):
- Calms and relaxes both mother and baby
- Regulates the baby’s heart rate and breathing
- Stimulates digestion and an interest in feeding
- Regulates temperature
- Provides protection against infection
- Stimulates the release of hormones to support breastfeeding
- Improves breastfeeding behavior
Skin-to-Skin Contact
- Improved neurobehavioral development
- Better cardiovascular and temperature stabilization
- Critical component for successful breastfeeding initiation and bonding between mother and baby
The Importance of skin-to-skin
- SSC is a key part of the UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative standards
- SSC helps the baby to adjust to life outside the womb and is important for supporting mothers to initiate breastfeeding
- SCC is a common practice in the newborn period for healthy newborns as outlined in the World Health Organization’s “Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding”
Limitations in labour ward
- Lack of staffing resources
- Time constraints
- Safety concerns
- Interference with clinical routines
Reasons to choose postnatal ward for Skin-to-skin contact
- Duration of stay in postnatal ward after delivery:
- Normal delivery (3 days and 2 nights)
- Caesarean section (5 days and 4 nights)
- Current staffing:
- Postnatal ward (36 nurses) and Nursery (37 nurses) versus Labour ward (24 nurses)
Purpose and Problem Statement
Does the reinforcement of nursery staff’s knowledge impact the Skin-to-Skin mother-infant Contact (SSC) rate in a postnatal ward?
Implementation Plan
Baseline Data
- Recruit 5 out of 39 nursery staff
- Skin-to-skin knowledge check of staff
- Promote skin-to-skin in postnatal ward
- SSC ~30 minutes in the postnatal ward
Reinforcement of Nursery’s Staff Knowledge
Assessment of infant and parents
- Preparation
- Education
- Evaluation
- Documentation
- Reflection
Description of practice change
- Initiate skin-to-skin practice in postnatal ward
- Reinforce staff knowledge of SSC through education
- Skin-to-skin contact ~30 minutes or more during hospitalization

Nursery nurses’ comments about parents’ experiences with the skin-to-skin contact project:
- “I feel like a real mum when I do skin-to skin contact with my baby.”
- “I can show my love to my baby through skin-to skin contact.”
- “I feel calm when I cuddle my baby.”
- “It’s an amazing time!”
- “It is an unforgettable moment after delivery.”
Recommendations and Next Steps
- Nurses in the nursery spoke positively about parents’ experiences with the skin-to-skin contact
- Reinforcement of knowledge through education is one effective way to increase skin-to-skin contact for our patients
- More staff would help with educating patients
Short-term goals
- Recruit more staff in postnatal ward and nursery
Long-term goals
- Evaluate parent’s satisfaction
- Involve fathers in plan of care