UCSF 2017 Flu Summit

INEx & Occupational Health host an annual Flu Summit to kick off the Flu Season. The goal of the Flu Summit is to provide information on this season’s flu vaccine and to train new flu deputies on the vaccination workflow (i.e. how to navigate questions about the vaccine, how to order vaccines, how to administer vaccines, and how to document administration or declination of the vaccine).

Each year we select speakers to come and teach us about the latest information on influenza and the strains that were selected to be included in this season’s vaccine.  During the Flu Summit, we have a panel of VIPs who receive their flu shot.  New deputies participate in the “Give One, Get One” session at the end of the Summit where they receive and give a flu shot to their peers to become “deputized”.

The goal of having flu deputies is to improve employee vaccination compliance by making it more accessible and convenient for staff.  Flu deputies act as a resource for staff, provide employee vaccinations in their practice areas, and are the point person for any updates from Occupational Health regarding this year’s flu season.