The purpose of this council is to support nurses’ participation in clinical inquiry projects, including research and evidence-based practice at all levels of the organization. This will be accomplished by developing:
- Strong unit cultures that embrace clinical inquiry as the pathway to excellence
- Capacity of staff to identify, understand, evaluate, and utilize quality metrics to improve patient outcomes
- Capacity of nurses to translate successful evidence-based small tests of change into sustained clinical practice
- Capacity of nurses to engage in clinical research
- Capacity of nurses to translate research and other evidence into the basis for practice innovation and implementation
In addition to educational programming and individual / group consultation to plan and implement nursing research projects, the Clinical InQuERI Council in collaboration with the School of Nursing, awards one to two Synergy Grants to UCSF Medical Center Nurse and School of Nursing Faculty teams to describe, measure, and/or test patient and/or family issues, questions, or problems. The Council also supports UCSF Medical Center Clinical Nurses to conduct research with School of Nursing Faculty via the Clinical Nurse Research (CNR) grant.
Nursing Research Subcommittee
The Nursing Research Subcommittee is an ad-hoc group that is activated to review a research proposal when the proposed research activity takes place on a nursing unit at UCSF Medical Center. Depending on the type of research protocol, additional content expertise may be called into the review process, as well as the patient care manager of the involved unit(s). Review by the Nursing Research Subcommittee is not in lieu of internal review board (IRB) review and approval, but rather, a step in the pre-research phase to ensure that nursing areas are informed of the proposed study and that necessary steps are completed before the proposal moves on to the IRB.
- Maria Yefimova, PhD, RN
- Elisa Jang, DNP, MS, RN, CNS, EBP-C
- Nancy Lee, MSN, RN-BC, PHN